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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mother tongue weighting in PSLE could be cut

Singapore's Education Minister Ng Eng Hen says his ministry is studying whether it is educationally sound for mother tongue language performance to count for so much at the Primary 6 PSLE level. Since the Mother Tongue language now carries equal weight as the other three, then why is Singapore finding it to be too much?

'The worry is whether it could exclude someone from progressing in his educational pathway even if he did well in other subjects,' said Dr Ng in an interview with The Straits Times and Lianhe Zaobao.

If the reason for lowering the weighting is due to many not doing well in the language, then this is really disappointing of Dr Ng. Instead of lowering the weighting, students should be encouraged and motivated to do better in the language. If one day students do not do well in English, does this mean weighting of English language would be lowered as well?

Let's not be quitters!

MT weighting could be cut [via]


  1. (1) We must emphasize Mother Tongue. I suggest 3 extra hours for this subject for all Primary School kids.

    (2) We mush emphasize Maths. I suggest 3 extra hours for this subject for all Primary School kids.

    (3) We must emphasize Science. I suggest 3 extra hours for this subject for all Primary School kids.

    (4) We must emphasize English. I suggest 3 extra hours for this subject for all Primary School kids.

    You see,
    health(physical, mental, psychological)

    friendhip, love of humanity,

    responsibility, accountability,

    courage, risk-taking,

    moral values, etc

    can wait till they retire in about 2070.

    Is this is clear?

  2. (1) We must emphasize Mother Tongue. I suggest 3 extra hours for this subject for all Primary School kids.

    (2) We mush emphasize Maths. I suggest 3 extra hours for this subject for all Primary School kids.

    (3) We must emphasize Science. I suggest 3 extra hours for this subject for all Primary School kids.

    (4) We must emphasize English. I suggest 3 extra hours for this subject for all Primary School kids.

    You see,
    health(physical, mental, psychological)

    friendhip, love of humanity,

    responsibility, accountability,

    courage, risk-taking,

    moral values, etc

    can wait till they retire in about 2070.

    Is this is clear?


Do provide your constructive comment. I appreciate that.

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