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Thursday, December 28, 2006

O $ P $

Going to hang Pig's Head le.
Still pending $1,100.
Not even 50% is bank-in to my account.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Going to Clear My Sch Fees By Next Week

Shiok man!
All my school fees debt is going to be cleared by next week before end of year 2006!

It is going to be record breaking! It is going to take me less than a year to clear.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

PayPal Integration Completed

Finally PayPal integration is completed and this marks completion of my freelance project, excluding some initial support should there need to be any changes.

I can finally catch some sleep :)

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Fast Typing Skills Training

See how fast you can type.

To play, type the name of the enemies you see and then hit RETURN.
I am ranked 38th (Difficulty level: Medium).
Username is hongjun

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Hokkien man trying to take a photo

Summary of Blogs Mentioning EditGrids

Just so happen to find the below link and realize my blog is mentioned!
The reason as to why my blog is mentioned is because I actually quoted "EditGrid" as one of my entries previously. The below link actually points correctly to my previous post -

Internet is so threatening. No one can hide anything once something has posted live on the Internet.

Check it out!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Knoppix 5.0 OS

I finally finished downloading 600 over MB of files yesterday.
Had a try on this bootable OS on a CD-ROM and realized I almost forgotten how to use Linux!
It has been almost 2 years since I used a Linux.

Overall Rating: Good

Friday, December 01, 2006

Interview On Myself

hongjun joined Experts Exchange (EE) in Sep 1999, and has been a long time contributor in the ASP topic area. He has also achieved over a dozen other topic areas to reach the 1,000,000 point level, so we asked him what keeps him going.

How did you first find Experts Exchange?
Well, I first get to know Experts-Exchange during my poly days. A friend of mine introduced EE to me when we were stucked with some C Programming logic.

First EE question asked by me: Simple scanf question (C Programming)

What made you start answering questions?
Ever since I asked my first question, I often rely on EE to get quality and prompt replies to my technical questions.

Few months later, I realized there are some questions out there where I can also provide my assistance. I realized the need to give back to the community and to share knowledge.

First EE question answered by me: string requires char type but how to add all entries and get total? (C++ Programming)

What do you get out of answering questions?
In short: Knowledge
When I attempt to answer questions, I actually go through the process of looking for solutions all over the place. Through this process, I begin to know where to get the right solution at the right place at the fastest time. I also get to know a problem can be solved by many different methods and which is truely the most efficient and effective.

I must admit my bookmarks database is rather huge.

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