Computer, Technology, Databases, Google, Internet, Mobile, Linux, Microsoft, Open Source, Security, Social Media, Web Development, Business, Finance
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
2013 In Review (In Short)
#2013 in review:- Work) Little change » Status quo. Life) Pursued » Achieved. I know #2014 will be very different.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Convert Any Files to PDF
One common question many asked is "How can I actually convert a document or even image to a PDF file?". In some of my earlier articles, I wrote about converting a webpage into a PDF without installing any tool [option 1, option 2] and also manipulating existing PDF file(s) like merging, splitting, etc with an absolutely free tool.
Today, I just chanced upon toPDF. toPDF provides the capability to convert text documents, presentations, spreadsheets and images to PDF format. Some of its attractiveness include free service and needless to install any tool onto your PC since it is web-based. This free service supports up to 5 files (25Mb max).
Today, I just chanced upon toPDF. toPDF provides the capability to convert text documents, presentations, spreadsheets and images to PDF format. Some of its attractiveness include free service and needless to install any tool onto your PC since it is web-based. This free service supports up to 5 files (25Mb max).
Monday, December 23, 2013
10 Tips For An Effective User Experience UX Debrief Meeting
How should one conduct an effective user experience (UX) debrief meeting such that all stakeholders in the team can benefit from and do better in the next round? Userfocus offers 10 practitioner tips for running an effective UX debrief meeting.
» The UX debrief: A tale of two meetings | Userfocus
- Don’t wing it. Prepare thoroughly. Have a plan.
- Don’t think of the debrief as a wrap-up meeting — think of it as a springboard to the next step. And make sure UX is part of the next step.
- Co-chair the meeting with a lead member of the project team.
- Make sure the main decision-makers attend.
- Don't give a PowerPoint presentation, and don’t rehash the report. If you have 60 minutes talk for 20 minutes, then discuss for 40 minutes.
- Insist that attendees must read the report and prepare comments and questions.
- Before you summarize the study findings, ask the team to share what they learned from the study, what surprised them and what usability issues they feel are most important or most serious.
- Simplify your message. Focus on just the 5 most severe usability problems. Don’t overwhelm the team by trying to cover everything (they can check the report for those details).
- Get consensus on the problems rather than argue over solutions.
- Don’t expect or insist that everything must be fixed. Focus next steps on things that can realistically be changed within the budget and timeline.
» The UX debrief: A tale of two meetings | Userfocus
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Comprehensive and Complete Guide to Facebook Ads
Read The Complete Guide to Getting Started with Facebook Ads by Buffer Blog. Very comprehensive.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Security Practices When Making Calls to Server From Client Side
With HTML5 getting more widely adopted and more application logic done on client side, better (a different type) security should be considered to mitigate risk. Nettuts+ discussed some of the measures that can be deployed for just that. The topics are:
» Client-Side Security Best Practices | Nettuts+
- Don’t Even Think About HTTP
- Make XSS Less Harmful With Content Security Policy
- Use Cross Origin Resource Sharing Instead of JSONP
- Sandbox Potentially Harmful Iframes
» Client-Side Security Best Practices | Nettuts+
Saturday, December 14, 2013 launches automated tool to migrate from Gmail
Microsoft is continuing its attack on Google by launching an automated tool to migrate Gmail to its very own web-based (successor of
The blog post claims emails, contacts, labels and even calendars can be imported. Immediately after the import is completed, Microsoft will send an email notification to your inbox.
Though I am not a fan of, I thought I should give the tool a try one day for curiosity sake.
The blog post claims emails, contacts, labels and even calendars can be imported. Immediately after the import is completed, Microsoft will send an email notification to your inbox.
Though I am not a fan of, I thought I should give the tool a try one day for curiosity sake.
Sunday, December 08, 2013
The Essentials of Writing High Quality JavaScript
Nettuts+ wrote an article on some of the essentials of writing high quality JavaScript. It is largely based on a book "JavaScript Patterns" written by Stoyan Stefanov. Though lengthy, I strongly recommend it.
Friday, November 08, 2013
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
HtmlEncode and HtmlDecode In JavaScript
In web development, we often need to encode a string especially input from user so data with potential malicious intention when displayed will be safe. On server side, we can use e.g. HtmlUtility.HtmlEncode (in ASP.NET for encode) and HtmlUtility.HtmlDecode (in ASP.NET for decode).
What if we need one in JavaScript? Here's how to do just that!
What if we need one in JavaScript? Here's how to do just that!
<script src=""></script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function htmlEncode(value) { return $('<div/>').text(value).html(); } function htmlDecode(value) { return $('<div/>').html(value).text(); } var s = "<b>hello's world</b>"; var encoded = htmlEncode(s); var decoded = htmlDecode(encoded); alert(encoded); alert(decoded); //--> </script>
Sunday, October 27, 2013
How to give your Web apps a real speed boost?
Few tips published on the The Next Web on how to speed up your website and making sure user experience is not impacted especially on mobile.
The article also introduced a few tools to get you started.
- Check for unnecessary or oversized images
- Don't ignore Android
- Consistent measurement
- Multitask
The article also introduced a few tools to get you started.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Time Saver Generation Tool to Create Java Classes From JSON Data
An easy time-saver to create Java classes from JSON data, this JSON generation tool is certain to save you loads of time. All it needs is to feed in a JSON url and DONE!
» An easy timesaver to create Java classes from JSON data | IT World
» An easy timesaver to create Java classes from JSON data | IT World
Over 500 Free Programming Books from GitHub
Very long list of free programming books for download on GitHub.
Free ebook: Introducing Windows 8.1 for IT Professionals
Free ebook on Windows 8.1 from Microsoft themselves. Visit ebook page now.
Monday, October 14, 2013
This Visual Guide Outlines How Men's Suits Should Fit
A visual guide on what how men's suits should fit so it look fit and neither too small nor big. A good general knowledge.
Sunday, October 06, 2013
Generate VCard as QR Code Using Google Docs
Should you have lots of contacts to be imported into your phone, it can get pretty time consuming to input one at a time. One time saving tip is to have them entered into a spreadsheet and have them converted into VCard format. Google Docs does have a feature to generate VCard as QR Code which you may then use any QR Code reader to read them.
This article demonstrates exactly just how to do that.
A quick summary:
Hope it helps.
This article demonstrates exactly just how to do that.
A quick summary:
- Create a new Google Spreadsheet
- Setup 5 columns i.e. First Name, Last Name, Phone, Contacts, QR Code.
- First 4 columns should be self-explanatory. As for the last column, it shall be a formula to generate QR Code. Copy and paste below formula.
=image("" & A2 & "%20" & B2 & "%0ATEL;CELL:" & C2 & "%0AEMAIL:" & D2 & "%0AEND:VCARD")
Hope it helps.
What is "Exit Rate" and "Bounce Rate"?
Exit rate
The number of times a visitor leaves your domain from a page, divided by that page’s total views. Generally expressed as a percentage.
Bounce rate
The number of times a visitor enters a domain on a page but leaves before viewing any other page in the domain, divided by the total number of views of that page. Also generally expressed as a percentage.
The number of times a visitor leaves your domain from a page, divided by that page’s total views. Generally expressed as a percentage.
Bounce rate
The number of times a visitor enters a domain on a page but leaves before viewing any other page in the domain, divided by the total number of views of that page. Also generally expressed as a percentage.
Friday, October 04, 2013
Responsive Design for Websites and Email
Some interesting articles from the Smashing Mobile website on Responsive Design for websites. As a value-add read, I also included repsonsive email design below.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Understanding Various Image File Types for Web Site
HTML5 Rocks Tutorials published an interesting article on Image Compression for Web Developers, doing detailed explanation and comparison on the various popular image file types for website. It's worth the read.
» Image Compression for Web Developers | HTML5 Rocks
» Image Compression for Web Developers | HTML5 Rocks
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Lengthy but awesome biography on Marissa Mayer
An unauthorised biography featuring former Googler and now CEO of Yahoo!, Marissa Mayer, published by Business Insider, is a MUST read! The write-up pretty much summarised Mayer's personality as well as her brilliance that make her who she is today.
Read the biography here.
Read the biography here.
Monday, August 19, 2013
10 Steve Jobs videos you should watch instead of Ashton Kutcher’s ‘Jobs’
Sorry to say this - I actually read several reviews that Ashton Kutcher's movie - ‘Jobs’ were rather poor and this made me changed my mind watching it. The Next Web published an article on 10 Steve Jobs videos you should watch instead of Ashton Kutcher’s ‘Jobs’ and I thought they were excellent to watch!
Friday, August 16, 2013
5 photo mobile apps to help you look more beautiful
The Next Web made a review on 5 photo mobile apps capable of making enhancements on your photo, making you look more beautiful.
The 5 photo mobile apps are:
Let us know how the above help you.
The 5 photo mobile apps are:
Let us know how the above help you.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
JAVA: Get MD5 Hash On String
The following demonstrates how to perform MD5 hash on string. For it to run, you will need to import these 2 packages.
- javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.HexBinaryAdapter
public static void main(String[] args) { try { String hash1 = computeMD5Hash1("hello world"); String hash2 = computeMD5Hash2("hello world"); System.out.println(hash1); System.out.println(hash2); } catch (Exception e) { } } //using HexBinaryAdapter to convert byte array to string public static String computeMD5Hash1(String plainText) { String hash = ""; try { MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); hash = (new HexBinaryAdapter()).marshal(md5.digest(plainText.getBytes())); hash = hash.toUpperCase(); } catch (Exception e) { hash = ""; } return hash; } //no library to convert byte array to string public static String computeMD5Hash2(String plainText) { String hash = ""; try { MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); byte[] bb = md5.digest(plainText.getBytes()); for (byte b : bb) hash += String.format("%02X", b & 0xff); } catch (Exception e) { hash = ""; } return hash; }
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
VIDEO: How to Coil Cables
The following video demonstrates techniques on how to coil cables such that they can be neat and won't be twisted. Interesting tip.
Friday, August 09, 2013
National Day Parade (NDP) Theme Songs (Consolidated)
28 May 2015: Added theme song for NDP 2015.
20 June 2016: Added theme song for NDP 2016.
Just come of the video compilations used as themes songs for National Day.
20 June 2016: Added theme song for NDP 2016.
Just come of the video compilations used as themes songs for National Day.
NDP 1998: Kit Chan 陈洁仪 -- Home 家
NDP 2001: Tanya Chua - Where I Belong
NDP 2002: Stefanie Sun 孙燕姿 -- We Will Get There 一起走到
NDP 2003: Stefanie Sun 孙燕姿 -- One United People 全心全意
NDP 2008: Joi Chua 蔡淳佳 -- 晴空万里
NDP 2010: Corrine May -- Song for Singapore
NDP 2011: Sylvia Ratonel -- In A Heartbeat
NDP 2012: Olivia Ong, Natanya Tan -- Love at First Light
NDP 2013: Sing A Nation Choir -- One Singapore
NDP 2015: Dick Lee -- Our Singapore
NDP 2016: 53A -- Tomorrow's Here Today
NDP 2001: Tanya Chua - Where I Belong
NDP 2002: Stefanie Sun 孙燕姿 -- We Will Get There 一起走到
NDP 2003: Stefanie Sun 孙燕姿 -- One United People 全心全意
NDP 2008: Joi Chua 蔡淳佳 -- 晴空万里
NDP 2010: Corrine May -- Song for Singapore
NDP 2011: Sylvia Ratonel -- In A Heartbeat
NDP 2012: Olivia Ong, Natanya Tan -- Love at First Light
NDP 2013: Sing A Nation Choir -- One Singapore
NDP 2015: Dick Lee -- Our Singapore
NDP 2016: 53A -- Tomorrow's Here Today
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's National Day Message 2013
Watch Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's National Day Message 2013 (English) below. For the transcript, click here.
Google Releases Seven Videos On Typical Manual Spam Actions Received On Webmaster Tools
Google released seven videos for the most common manual action notifications related to spam for websites in your free Google Webmaster Tools. The videos include user-generated spam, hidden text and/or keyword stuffing, pure spam, thin content with little or no added value video, unnatural Links to site video, unnatural links from your site and unnatural Links to site – impacts links.
User-generated spam
Hidden text and/or keyword stuffing
Pure spam
Thin content with little or no added value
Unnatural Links to site
Unnatural links from your site
Unnatural Links to site - impacts links
» Google Releases Seven Videos On Typical Manual Spam Actions | Search Engine Land
User-generated spam
Hidden text and/or keyword stuffing
Pure spam
Thin content with little or no added value
Unnatural Links to site
Unnatural links from your site
Unnatural Links to site - impacts links
» Google Releases Seven Videos On Typical Manual Spam Actions | Search Engine Land
Monday, August 05, 2013
Saturday, August 03, 2013
How to Do a Partial YouTube Embed (Custom Start and End)?
Suppose you have a long YouTube video but would like to do an embed only from say first to second minute? It's actually possible with a simple tweak.
The following is the standard embed code (without changing anything) of the PSY - Gangnam Style YouTube from first to second minute.
To do a partial embed from the first to second minute, you will first need to convert the periods into seconds. So it would be from the 1*60=60 seconds to the 2*60=120 seconds. We will then add the 2 new start and end parameters to the embed code. The following is the customised embed code.
The video goes like this!
The following is the standard embed code (without changing anything) of the PSY - Gangnam Style YouTube from first to second minute.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
To do a partial embed from the first to second minute, you will first need to convert the periods into seconds. So it would be from the 1*60=60 seconds to the 2*60=120 seconds. We will then add the 2 new start and end parameters to the embed code. The following is the customised embed code.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The video goes like this!
Monday, July 08, 2013
{ prologue } bookstore at ION Orchard closing down sale
{ prologue } bookstore at ION Orchard is currently having its closing down sale. Yes, you didn't hear me wrongly - CLOSING down sale. Looks like high-end bookstore globally is not doing well at all. It must be because of the rising popularity of eBooks.
Don't miss it!
Don't miss it!
Tuesday, July 02, 2013
Guide to Writing Great Headlines on Twitter, Facebook and Your Blog
An insightful article written by the Buffer on how writing great headlines on Twitter, Facebook and your Blog.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Modal window effects using CSS transitions and animations
Nifty Modal Window Effects offer many possibilities for modal overlays to appear using CSS transitions and animations.
![]() |
Modal Options |
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Monday, June 10, 2013
MSSQL: Get All Stored Procedures With References to a Table
AFAIK, there is no built-in feature to generate a list of stored procedures that made references to a specific database table. The following help me to do just that.
SELECT DISTINCT FROM syscomments sc INNER JOIN sysobjects so ON = AND so.xtype = 'P' WHERE sc.TEXT LIKE '%TABLE_NAME%'
Monday, May 27, 2013
How to Turn Off Thumbs.db From Appearing?
The auto creation of Thumbs.db files in folders with images can get annoying. Before burning photo albums into DVD-R, I often have to go around searching and deleting such files. This can also get annoying for web developers using version control software e.g. TortoiseGit and TortoiseSVN.
Eh .. Sometimes, deleting these files can get the "file is in use and cannot be deleted" prompt. Very annoying.
So what exactly is Thumbs.db? As quoted from Wikipedia,
Yes we know the purpose of Thumbs.db but what if we still wish to turn off Thumbs.db from appearing? There is a way to do it by tweaking a setting on the Local Group Policy Editor.
» How to Switch Off the Thumbs.db Image Cache File in Windows | Sitepoint
Eh .. Sometimes, deleting these files can get the "file is in use and cannot be deleted" prompt. Very annoying.
So what exactly is Thumbs.db? As quoted from Wikipedia,
On Microsoft Windows operating systems, starting with the IE4 Desktop Update for Win95/98, a thumbnail cache is used to store thumbnail images for Windows Explorer's thumbnail view. This speeds up the display of images as these smaller images do not need to be recalculated every time the user views the folder.
Yes we know the purpose of Thumbs.db but what if we still wish to turn off Thumbs.db from appearing? There is a way to do it by tweaking a setting on the Local Group Policy Editor.
- From the Start Menu, click Run option. Or, you can use Win+R keyboard shortcut.
- Type gpedit.msc and hit ENTER key. This will launch the Local Group Policy Editor.
- Navigate to User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > then either Windows Explorer (Windows Vista/7) or File Explorer (Windows 8).
- Look for "Turn off the caching of thumbnails in hidden thumbs.db files" key and double click on it.
Local Group Policy Editor - Select Enabled and click OK.
» How to Switch Off the Thumbs.db Image Cache File in Windows | Sitepoint
Sunday, May 26, 2013
MSSQL: Generate Random String Using SQL
The following will generate a random fixed-length string using SQL. Simply pass in a string of accepted characters and the length of the random string to be generated.
IF ISNULL(object_id('cspRandomString'),0)<>0 DROP PROC cspRandomString IF ISNULL(object_id('fnGenRandomInteger'),0)<>0 DROP FUNCTION fnGenRandomInteger GO CREATE function fnGenRandomInteger(@MinValue int, @MaxValue int, @Seed float) returns int as begin -- ============================================= -- Author: Loh Hon Chun -- ============================================= return ((@MaxValue + 1) - @MinValue) * @Seed + @MinValue end go CREATE procedure cspRandomString ( @Result varchar(255) output, @AcceptedChars varchar(255), @Length int ) as begin -- ============================================= -- Author: Loh Hon Chun -- ============================================= set nocount on declare @ret char(255) declare @i int, @pos int set @Result = '' set @i = 0 if LEN(@AcceptedChars) > 0 begin while @i < @Length begin set @pos = dbo.fnGenRandomInteger(1, LEN(@AcceptedChars), RAND(CONVERT(VARBINARY, NEWID()))) set @Result = @Result + CAST(SUBSTRING(@AcceptedChars, @pos, 1) AS VARCHAR(1)) set @i = @i + 1 end end end go declare @result varchar(255) declare @acceptedChars varchar(255) declare @length int set @acceptedChars = '0123456789' set @length = 7 exec cspRandomString @Result=@result output, @AcceptedChars=@acceptedChars, @Length=@length print @result go
11 tips for developing a mobile app that users will love
An article on The Next Web lists out 11 tips for developing a mobile app that users will love.
- Testing is key
- Go Deep With Your Users
- Plan for the Offline Experience
- Design With Ease of Use
- Make It Stupid Simple
- Tailor Your Design
- Use Grids
- Cover as Many Platforms as Possible
- Don't Forget the Importance of Convenience
- Emulate the Real World
- Pick One Thing and Nail It
Stop Windows from Restarting Your Computer After Windows Update
Almost always, Windows will always show the "your computer is going to restart in 15 minutes ..." prompt every time Windows Updates is performed. This can get annoying especially when the update setting is set to auto download and update. So I can we make the annoying prompt not to show?
The following fix should apply to both Windows 8 and 7.
NOTE: It is still your responsibility and is definitely recommended to reboot whenever you are ready to so the updates can be applied completely.
» Stop Windows from Restarting Your Computer After Updates | LifeHacker
The following fix should apply to both Windows 8 and 7.
- Open your registry editor by typing regedit from your Start Menu → Run box.
- Navigate to key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU. Many may see up to \Windows level. In that case, you will need to create new keys for \WindowsUpdate and \WindowsUpdate\AU.
- Now, create a new DWORD (32-bit) value NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers under the AU key. Give it a value of 1.
- Reboot your machine and you are done.
NOTE: It is still your responsibility and is definitely recommended to reboot whenever you are ready to so the updates can be applied completely.
» Stop Windows from Restarting Your Computer After Updates | LifeHacker
Thursday, May 09, 2013
What to look out for for responsive adaptable web design?
An article on the Smashing Magazine website - How Much Has The Web Really Changed? discusses what has changed for the past one decade or so in web development. A lengthy but easy-to-read article.
Up until not so long ago, we used to base our designs on some rather general assumptions about screen size and input type. With the rise of devices with various screen sizes and alternative ways to interact, these assumptions have turned out to be unreliable. We need to upgrade the defaults that we use when we start designing our websites.
Sunday, May 05, 2013
GS1 Prefix List - How to Determine Origin of Food From Barcodes?
Do you know that it may be possible to determine the country where a food product is manufactured bought from a supermarket by reading the barcodes on the package itself? However, do note that the barcodes do not provide identification of country of origin for a given product though hopefully the manufacturer can put our mind at ease if certain countries are in our blacklist.
How to read the barcodes?
How to read the barcodes?
- Turn over the food product and look for the barcode.
- The first 3 digits of the barcode will reveal the GS1 Prefix.
- Tally with the list below to find out the country where the food product could have been manufactured at.
GS1 Prefixes do not provide identification of country of origin for a given product. They simply provide number capacity to different countries for assignment from that location to companies who apply. Those companies in turn may manufacture products anywhere in the world.
ASSIGNED GS1 PREFIXES 000 - 019 GS1 US 020 - 029 Restricted distribution (MO defined) 030 - 039 GS1 US 040 - 049 Restricted distribution (MO defined) 050 - 059 Coupons 060 - 139 GS1 US 200 - 299 Restricted distribution (MO defined) 300 - 379 GS1 France 380 GS1 Bulgaria 383 GS1 Slovenija 385 GS1 Croatia 387 GS1 BIH (Bosnia-Herzegovina) 389 GS1 Montenegro 400 - 440 GS1 Germany 450 - 459 & 490 - 499 GS1 Japan 460 - 469 GS1 Russia 470 GS1 Kyrgyzstan 471 GS1 Taiwan 474 GS1 Estonia 475 GS1 Latvia 476 GS1 Azerbaijan 477 GS1 Lithuania 478 GS1 Uzbekistan 479 GS1 Sri Lanka 480 GS1 Philippines 481 GS1 Belarus 482 GS1 Ukraine 484 GS1 Moldova 485 GS1 Armenia 486 GS1 Georgia 487 GS1 Kazakstan 488 GS1 Tajikistan 489 GS1 Hong Kong 500 - 509 GS1 UK 520 - 521 GS1 Association Greece 528 GS1 Lebanon 529 GS1 Cyprus 530 GS1 Albania 531 GS1 MAC (FYR Macedonia) 535 GS1 Malta 539 GS1 Ireland 540 - 549 GS1 Belgium & Luxembourg 560 GS1 Portugal 569 GS1 Iceland 570 - 579 GS1 Denmark 590 GS1 Poland 594 GS1 Romania 599 GS1 Hungary 600 - 601 GS1 South Africa 603 GS1 Ghana 604 GS1 Senegal 608 GS1 Bahrain 609 GS1 Mauritius 611 GS1 Morocco 613 GS1 Algeria 615 GS1 Nigeria 616 GS1 Kenya 618 GS1 Ivory Coast 619 GS1 Tunisia 620 GS1 Tanzania 621 GS1 Syria 622 GS1 Egypt 623 GS1 Brunei 624 GS1 Libya 625 GS1 Jordan 626 GS1 Iran 627 GS1 Kuwait 628 GS1 Saudi Arabia 629 GS1 Emirates 640 - 649 GS1 Finland 690 - 699 GS1 China 700 - 709 GS1 Norway 729 GS1 Israel 730 - 739 GS1 Sweden 740 GS1 Guatemala 741 GS1 El Salvador 742 GS1 Honduras 743 GS1 Nicaragua 744 GS1 Costa Rica 745 GS1 Panama 746 GS1 Republica Dominicana 750 GS1 Mexico 754 - 755 GS1 Canada 759 GS1 Venezuela 760 - 769 GS1 Schweiz, Suisse, Svizzera 770 - 771 GS1 Colombia 773 GS1 Uruguay 775 GS1 Peru 777 GS1 Bolivia 778 - 779 GS1 Argentina 780 GS1 Chile 784 GS1 Paraguay 786 GS1 Ecuador 789 - 790 GS1 Brasil 800 - 839 GS1 Italy 840 - 849 GS1 Spain 850 GS1 Cuba 858 GS1 Slovakia 859 GS1 Czech 860 GS1 Serbia 865 GS1 Mongolia 867 GS1 North Korea 868 - 869 GS1 Turkey 870 - 879 GS1 Netherlands 880 GS1 South Korea 884 GS1 Cambodia 885 GS1 Thailand 888 GS1 Singapore 890 GS1 India 893 GS1 Vietnam 896 GS1 Pakistan 899 GS1 Indonesia 900 - 919 GS1 Austria 930 - 939 GS1 Australia 940 - 949 GS1 New Zealand 950 GS1 Global Office 951 GS1 Global Office (EPCglobal) 955 GS1 Malaysia 958 GS1 Macau 960-969 Global Office (GTIN-8s) 977 Serial publications (ISSN) 978 - 979 Bookland (ISBN) 980 Refund receipts 981 - 983 Common Currency Coupons 990 - 999 Coupons
Saturday, May 04, 2013
Friday, May 03, 2013
Official Chrome Extension for Google Keep
Google has released an official Chrome Extension for Google Keep - a task keeping minimalistic app. The Chrome extension can only be installed from the link above i.e. you won't find the app from doing a search.
As quoted from the Google Drive blog post,
As quoted from the Google Drive blog post,
The Google Keep Chrome app launches in its own window, so you can create notes, cross out your to-do lists, and attach photos to tasks while you work on other things. And if you don’t have an internet connection, don't fret: the Chrome app works offline because we all know that ideas (big and small) can be sparked at any time.
Monday, April 29, 2013
The Re-Imagining of Microsoft
Bing, Skype, and Xbox rebranding plans revealed in Microsoft design presentation.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Saturday, April 27, 2013
ASP.NET fails to detect IE10 causing _doPostBack is undefined JavaScript error
Should you encounter _doPostBack is undefined JavaScript error on IE 10, it is because there is a bug in the browser definition files that shipped with .NET 2.0 and .NET 4.
Scott Hanselman published two ways to fix this: one is a machine-wide fix, the other is a way to fix individual sites. The replacement of the "fixed" ie.browser file will supposedly resolve the problem but it somehow didn't quite work for me. If that file didn't work for you, you may wish to use the below instead.
Scott Hanselman published two ways to fix this: one is a machine-wide fix, the other is a way to fix individual sites. The replacement of the "fixed" ie.browser file will supposedly resolve the problem but it somehow didn't quite work for me. If that file didn't work for you, you may wish to use the below instead.
<browsers> <!-- Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4325) --> <browser id="IE6Plus" parentID="IE"> <identification> <capability name="majorversion" match="^[6-9]|\d{2,}$" /> </identification> <capabilities> <capability name="ecmascriptversion" value="3.0" /> <capability name="jscriptversion" value="5.6" /> <capability name="javascript" value="true" /> <capability name="javascriptversion" value="1.5" /> <capability name="msdomversion" value="${majorversion}.${minorversion}" /> <capability name="w3cdomversion" value="1.0" /> <capability name="ExchangeOmaSupported" value="true" /> <capability name="activexcontrols" value="true" /> <capability name="backgroundsounds" value="true" /> <capability name="cookies" value="true" /> <capability name="frames" value="true" /> <capability name="javaapplets" value="true" /> <capability name="supportsCallback" value="true" /> <capability name="supportsFileUpload" value="true" /> <capability name="supportsMultilineTextBoxDisplay" value="true" /> <capability name="supportsMaintainScrollPositionOnPostback" value="true" /> <capability name="supportsVCard" value="true" /> <capability name="supportsXmlHttp" value="true" /> <capability name="tables" value="true" /> <capability name="supportsAccessKeyAttribute" value="true" /> <capability name="tagwriter" value="System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter" /> <capability name="vbscript" value="true" /> </capabilities> </browser> <!-- Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0;) --> <browser id="IE6to9" parentID="IE6Plus"> <identification> <capability name="majorversion" match="^[6-9]$" /> </identification> </browser> <!-- Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0;) --> <browser id="IE7" parentID="IE6to9"> <identification> <capability name="majorversion" match="^7$" /> </identification> <capabilities> <capability name="jscriptversion" value="5.7" /> </capabilities> </browser> <!-- Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729) --> <browser id="IE8" parentID="IE6to9"> <identification> <capability name="majorversion" match="^8$" /> </identification> <capabilities> <capability name="jscriptversion" value="6.0" /> </capabilities> </browser> <!-- Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729) --> <browser id="IE9" parentID="IE6to9"> <identification> <capability name="majorversion" match="^9$" /> </identification> <capabilities> <capability name="jscriptversion" value="6.0" /> </capabilities> </browser> <!-- Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0) --> <browser id="IE10Plus" parentID="IE6Plus"> <identification> <capability name="majorversion" match="\d{2,}" /> </identification> <capabilities> <capability name="jscriptversion" value="6.0" /> </capabilities> </browser> <gateway id="IEbeta" parentID="IE"> <identification> <capability name="letters" match="^([bB]|ab)" /> </identification> <capture> </capture> <capabilities> <capability name="beta" value="true" /> </capabilities> </gateway> </browsers>
Extend Your Microsoft Office Trial for Five More Months
Microsoft offers free 30-day trials of Office 365 and Office 2013. After your free month is over, you won't be able to use some major features of these office suites. There is an article on LifeHacker extending Microsoft Office trial for five more months.
I didn't try it though. Let me know if it works.
I didn't try it though. Let me know if it works.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Skype Facing Problems Signing In Using Microsoft Account
It's confirmed that signing into Skype using Microsoft Account is facing problem as indicated on Skype Heartbeat.
It seem to be affecting only Skype for Desktop.
In case you do need to connect with your MSN friends urgently, you may explore the following options:
[UPDATE Apr 25, 2013 18:15 GMT+8] The issue has been resolved - at least for myself.
![]() |
Skype Heartbeat Announcement |
It seem to be affecting only Skype for Desktop.
![]() |
Error message after attempting to login using Microsoft account |
In case you do need to connect with your MSN friends urgently, you may explore the following options:
[UPDATE Apr 25, 2013 18:15 GMT+8] The issue has been resolved - at least for myself.
Xiang Yun (向云) Euology On Huang Wenyong (黄文永)
Quoted from the Wikipedia,
Soon after his death, several fans and fellow colleagues pour in their consolation and regret to have lost an invaluable asset to Singapore local film industry. Long-time working colleague of Huang Wenyong's (黄文永) - Xiang Yun (向云) penned an euology on the passing of her friend.
Xiang Yun (向云) penned an euology on Huang Wenyong (黄文永)
Huang Wenyong (25 July 1952 – 20 April 2013) was a Malaysia-born Singaporean actor, musician, and former teacher of Chinese descent. He was an actor for MediaCorp from the early 1980s until his death. Appearing in more than 100 television programmes, he was among the first few batches of locally-trained actors to enter the local entertainment industry and considered to be one of the "pioneers in local Chinese drama". Huang died on 20 April 2013 of Lymphoma.
Soon after his death, several fans and fellow colleagues pour in their consolation and regret to have lost an invaluable asset to Singapore local film industry. Long-time working colleague of Huang Wenyong's (黄文永) - Xiang Yun (向云) penned an euology on the passing of her friend.
Xiang Yun (向云) penned an euology on Huang Wenyong (黄文永)
Monday, April 22, 2013
Samsung Galaxy S4 (Corning Gorilla Glass) Scratch Test
Coming Samsung Galaxy S4, equipped with Corning Gorilla Glass, is put to scratches under knives, keys and coins, pass with flying colours.
See for yourself.
See for yourself.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Yahoo! Mail New Re-thought iOS and Android App
Ever since Marissa Mayer came on board as the CEO of Yahoo, its mobile strategy seem to have taken quite a bit of a lift. Once slow and sometimes buggy Yahoo! Mail mobile app has now been revamped and re-thought.
Quote from Yahoo! corporate blog post Unbox Your Mail with Yahoo! Mail For Tablets,
Download Yahoo! Mail for iPad and Android tablets now.
Quote from Yahoo! corporate blog post Unbox Your Mail with Yahoo! Mail For Tablets,
Today, we’re excited to introduce the Yahoo! Mail Apps for iPad and Android tablets - a full-screen experience that gets rid of the noise. There are no folders, no buttons, no tabs - just you and your mail - and you can easily flip through it like a magazine. We've designed Yahoo! Mail to take full advantage of the tablet making reading your email faster, easier and just a little bit more fun.
Download Yahoo! Mail for iPad and Android tablets now.
Flat Design Language Makes It to Facebook Too
Facebook redesigned its icons moving from a more 3D-like icons to flat icons. The changed icons which also include its logo are as below:
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Get Facebook Home on Any Android Phone
Facebook Home is live but is available only on selected phones for now. Lifehacker has a tip on how to Get Facebook Home on Any Android Phone.
A first look on Facebook Home.
A first look on Facebook Home.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Constant "Check Disk" After Windows Update 2823324
You may be encountering constant prompt to perform "Check Disk" on boot-up after performing the recent Windows Update. Microsoft Security team has confirmed a problem with security update 2823324 and has since pulled it off from the pipe.
Should you have unfortunately installed it, please read this Microsoft release on the steps required to uninstall 2823324. I personally experienced the problem and resolved it using the just-mentioned instruction.
All the best.
Should you have unfortunately installed it, please read this Microsoft release on the steps required to uninstall 2823324. I personally experienced the problem and resolved it using the just-mentioned instruction.
All the best.
Control Postback Only On Second Attempt After Validation Error
Recently, I encountered a problem whereby my DropDownList in UpdatePanel didn't AutoPostBack after a validator control return failure. The PostBack only happen after I tried to change the SelectedIndex the second time.
Reading from a blog, I learnt that resetting Page_BlockSubmit back to False in client side will resolve the problem.
What is Page_BlockSubmit?
Reading from a blog, I learnt that resetting Page_BlockSubmit back to False in client side will resolve the problem.
What is Page_BlockSubmit?
When the user clicks on a button causing a full post back, after running Page_ClientValidate ASP.NET runs another built in function ValidatorCommonOnSubmit. Within Page_ClientValidate, Page_BlockSubmit is set based on the validation. The postback is then blocked in ValidatorCommonOnSubmit if Page_BlockSubmit is true. No matter what, at the end of the function Page_BlockSubmit is always reset back to false.
If a page does a partial postback without running any validation and Page_BlockSubmit has not been reset to false, the partial postback will be blocked. In essence the above function, RunValidation, acts similar to ValidatorCommonOnSubmit. It runs the validation and then returns false to block the postback if needed. Since the built in postback is never run, we need to reset Page_BlockSubmit manually before returning the validation result.
Video: Accident Near Bugis Involving Mercedes Driver
On 15 April 2013 before 8:30pm, an accident involving up to 7 vehicles occurred near Bugis at the junction of Victoria Street and Middle Road. This accident is said to be the result of a drunken or fainted Mercedes driver.
Investigation is still on-going. Thank goodness, passengers in the taxi are unharmed.
Investigation is still on-going. Thank goodness, passengers in the taxi are unharmed.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Facebook Home "Launch Day" Video Ad
What do you think of the Facebook Home "Launch Day" video ad? What message is Facebook trying to convey? Did you having a better understanding what Facebook Home is all about after watching this video? IMO, the video seems to suggest Facebook Home is a great potential for creating distractions.
Apollo 11 summarised in 100 seconds video
Presented here is the first manned mission to the Moon by the Americans, July 1969, in 100 one-second increments. Enjoy the voyage.
PSY - Gentleman
South Korean the Gangnam Style man has just released his new music video - Gentleman. Will this new Gentleman video break previous Gangnam Style record 1.5 billion YouTube views? Currently, the Gentleman video has recorded 6.9 million views so far.
What do you think of this new video? IMO, I find it rather clown and non-gentleman.
What do you think of this new video? IMO, I find it rather clown and non-gentleman.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Tim Ho Wan (添好運) Opened in Plaza Singapura
Michelin Star dim sum (點心) restaurant from Hong Kong, Tim Ho Wan (添好運), is finally opened in Singapore, Plaza Singapura.
Address : Plaza Singapura, 68 Orchard Rd #01-29A Tel. No.: 6251 2000
Boost Your Facebook Privacy
An interesting article from the LifeHacker How Facebook Uses Your Data to Target Ads, Even Offline will guide you how to boost your Facebook privacy.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
How to Disable Chrome New Right Menu?
If you somehow or rather don't like the latest Chrome's right menu, there is a way to disable it.
Done! The next time you click on this shortcut, the good usual familiar right menu will be used.
» Don't like Chrome’s New Menus? Here is how to Disable Them | TechDows
- Look for the shortcut where you usually start Chrome e.g. on your Desktop.
- Right click on the shortcut and then Properties.
- Make sure the Shortcut tab is selected.
- In the Target field at the end of "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" after space add "–-disable-new-menu-style" without quotes. (note we have got two hyphens before disable).
- Click OK to apply changes.
Done! The next time you click on this shortcut, the good usual familiar right menu will be used.
» Don't like Chrome’s New Menus? Here is how to Disable Them | TechDows
Article On Responsive Design
Articles from the Smashing Magazine featuring on responsive web design catering for both desktop and mobile. Interesting.
20 Best Wireframing Tools for Web Designers and Developers
Just for reference - a list of the 20 Best Wireframing Tools for Web Designers and Developers.
Tuesday, April 09, 2013
Thursday, April 04, 2013
My trust in Citibank has gone down the drain
Please do share if you do have a bad experience with Citibank or any other banks too.
Dear Sir/Mdm,
Reference to a request from @AskCiti (Twitter handler) to send an email to the above email address for elaboration as to why I have decided to terminate my credit card and my relationship with Citibank, I am here - now writing this email.
Twitter correspondence here:
So, what actually happened?
FYI, a copy of this email is published here.
Dear Sir/Mdm,
Reference to a request from @AskCiti (Twitter handler) to send an email to the above email address for elaboration as to why I have decided to terminate my credit card and my relationship with Citibank, I am here - now writing this email.
Twitter correspondence here:
So, what actually happened?
- On Feb 2013, I received a credit card bill from Citibank showing an annual fee of S$150 + S$10.50 charged onto my card.
- I called in to +65 6225 5225, spoke to a customer service officer (CSO) and requested for a waiver. The guy I spoke to promised and reassured me a total of S$160.50 would be waived on the spot. I proceeded to make bill payment without the waived amount.
- On Mar 2013, I received a credit card bill from Citibank. What shocked me was not only the S$160.50 wasn't been waived, a further S$21.85 was incurred due to an unexpected debit balance carried forward from Feb 2013.
- I called in to +65 6225 5225 last week, spoke to a customer service officer (CSO), explained what happened, and demanded for a waiver of S$150 + S$10.50 + S$21.85 = S$182.35. The CSO reassured me the amount would be waived in 3 working days. Not trusting Citibank this time round and wouldn't want this "debt" to be carried forward to yet another billing cycle, I insisted Citibank contact me on any update. I proceeded to make bill payment without the S$182.35.
- 3 working days have passed - nothing is done, no one from Citibank contacted me.
- I called +65 6225 5225 yesterday on 3 Apr 2013, spoke to a customer service officer (CSO), explained the whole story again, and was told my request for waiver was not in the system.
- The CSO helpfully made a waiver on the spot, reassured me the waiver done and completed.
- Losing trust completely in Citibank, I requested for a complete closure of my card. I was then redirected to the closure department.
- Citing my lost in trust in Citibank and lack of follow up from Citibank as the reason for closure, the last CSO I spoke to proceeded to close my account.
- Almost immediately after the tele-conversation, the last CSO phoned. It's this very last conversation that really made me laughed till I almost dropped. This CSO suggested I should stay with Citibank for 1 more year since all charges were waived. She then revealed the real 2 reasons for me to continue - 1) she forgot to verify my identity, 2) there was a system error encountered and my first conversation with her was not logged.
- Do you expect me to repeat everything again after the recording system is turned on?
- How can I convince myself to believe and trust Citibank again if simple procedure like verification of identity and making sure the recording system is running (if need be) are not ensured?
FYI, a copy of this email is published here.
Tuesday, April 02, 2013
How to Determine Origin of Food From Bar Codes?
According to a Facebook post, it is possible to determine the origin of food bought from a supermarket by reading the barcodes on the package itself.
Disclaimer: I am not sure if it is 100% accurate.
Do let me know how true is this!
More information can be found at GS1 Prefix List - How to Determine Origin of Food From Barcodes?.
Disclaimer: I am not sure if it is 100% accurate.
HOW TO READ BAR CODES... (everyone must know)
With all the food and pet products now coming from China, it is best to make sure you read label at the supermarket and especially when buying food products. Many products no longer show where they were made, only give where the distributor is located. The whole world is concerned about China-made "black-hearted goods".
Can you differentiate which one is made in Taiwan or China ? The world is also concerned about GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) foods; steroid fed animals (ex: 45 days old broiler chicken).
It is important to read the bar code to track its origin. How to read Bar Codes....interesting !
If the first 3 digits of the bar code are 690, 691 or 692, the product is MADE IN CHINA.
471 is Made in Taiwan .
If the first 3 digits of the bar code are 00-09 then it's made or sourced in USA.
This is our right to know, but the government and related departments never educate the public, therefore we have to RESCUE ourselves. Nowadays, Chinese businessmen know that consumers do not prefer products "MADE IN CHINA", so they don't show from which country it is made. However, you may now refer to the barcode -
Remember if the first 3 digits are:
890......MADE IN INDIA
690, 691, 692 ... then it is MADE IN CHINA
00 - 09 ... USA and CANADA
30 - 37 ... FRANCE
40 - 44 ... GERMANY
471 ........ Taiwan
45 or 49 ........JAPAN
489...........HONG KONG
50 .......... UK
57 .........DENMARK
471......... is Made in TAIWAN (see sample)
628.........SAUDI ARABIA
740..........745 - CENTRAL AMERICA
All 480 Codes are Made in the PHILIPPINES.
Do let me know how true is this!
More information can be found at GS1 Prefix List - How to Determine Origin of Food From Barcodes?.
MSSQL: Run Large SQL Script
Having problems when running large SQL scripts using the SQL Management Studio (SSMS)? I would suggest you use sqlcmd instead. Save your script in a flat file (e.g. .sql or .txt) and pass the file as an input parameter to sqlcmd like below.
In case you are having problems logging in, you may wish to try either one of them.
NOTE: Replace SERVER, INSTANCE, PORT accordingly to suit your server configuration.
Hope it helps.
sqlcmd -S SERVER\INSTANCE -i mysqlscript.sql
In case you are having problems logging in, you may wish to try either one of them.
sqlcmd -S SERVER\INSTANCE,PORT -i mysqlscript.sql
sqlcmd -S np:\\\pipe\MSSQL$INSTANCE\sql\query -i mysqlscript.sql
NOTE: Replace SERVER, INSTANCE, PORT accordingly to suit your server configuration.
Hope it helps.
Monday, April 01, 2013
Google New April Fools' Day Features
As part of Google's tradition, a series of new features or initiatives were announced in this year's April Fools' Day.
We have announcement from YouTube at which they announced they are now ready to announce the best ever uploaded video in 10 years' time. The selection process will be by several technicians based on strict guidelines. And YouTube will be shut down for good.
Next, we have announcement featuring whole new service in beta - Google Nose - a whole new different experience in search using a sense.
We also have got Google Maps launching treasure mode.
Joining in the fun, Gmail is launching Gmail Blue, obviously in mockery on Windows Blue - making everything blue.
Google Fiber is bringing fiber close to you, as long as you are connected to a "pole".
For webmasters and marketers, Google Analytics participated in this joke day by including hits from the International Space Stations.
Last but not least, a Google Easter Egg for you just by doing a search.
We have announcement from YouTube at which they announced they are now ready to announce the best ever uploaded video in 10 years' time. The selection process will be by several technicians based on strict guidelines. And YouTube will be shut down for good.
Next, we have announcement featuring whole new service in beta - Google Nose - a whole new different experience in search using a sense.
We also have got Google Maps launching treasure mode.
Joining in the fun, Gmail is launching Gmail Blue, obviously in mockery on Windows Blue - making everything blue.
Google Fiber is bringing fiber close to you, as long as you are connected to a "pole".
For webmasters and marketers, Google Analytics participated in this joke day by including hits from the International Space Stations.
Last but not least, a Google Easter Egg for you just by doing a search.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
10 Must-Have Chrome Extensions for Developers
The Mashable published 10 Chrome extensions for web developers and I bet web developers like you yourself must be using some of them. Do you have your own favourite extensions? Do share with us.
Related Readings:
- Firebug Lite
- Web Developer
- Session Manager
- Clear Cache
- Chrome Sniffer
- JSONView
- Resolution Test
- Edit This Cookie
- Page Speed Insights
- Postman - REST Client
Related Readings:
10 Firefox Add-Ons for Designers
The Mashable published 10 Firefox Add-Ons for Designers and I bet web designers and web developers like you yourself must be using some of them. Do you have your own favourite add-ons? Do share with us.
Related Readings:
- ColorZilla
- Pencil
- MeasureIt
- Stylish
- View Source Chart
- Firesizer
- HTML Validator
- Font Finder
- CSS Usage
- Tab Mix Plus
Related Readings:
10 Firefox Add-Ons for Developers
The Mashable published 10 Firefox Add-Ons for Developers and I bet web developers like you yourself must be using some of them. Do you have your own favourite add-ons? Do share with us.
In my own opinion, HttpFox should be the other worthy mention add-on.
Related Readings:
- Firebug
- Web Developer
- FireFTP
- YSlow
- Greasemonkey
- JSONView
- RESTClient
- Empty Cache
- JS Deminifier
- Fireshot
In my own opinion, HttpFox should be the other worthy mention add-on.
Related Readings:
How does it look like in major cities at night without lights?
Ever wonder how does it look like at night without lights? A New York City-based photographer who spent the last two years documenting glaciers around the world produced his impression in major cities - dark, star-lighted sky, and sometimes can be cold.
Notify Me! Android App
A FREE Android app that lets you create a list of apps that are allowed to light the screen up and show their notifications on it as a popup in front of your lock screen.
More information here:
More information here:
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
How to Build Your Own Syncing RSS Reader with Tiny Tiny RSS and Kick Google Reader to the Curb
Quite a comprehensive guide on setting up Tiny Tiny RSS as your Google Reader alternative and hosting it without fear that your feeds will be gone.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
18 Inspiring Examples of Websites Developed Using HTML5
Looking for HTML5 websites for inspiration? Webrevisions published an article recently introducing 18 such websites.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Saturday, March 23, 2013
40 Useful Cheat Sheets For Designers and Developers
What a resource for web designers and developers - 40 Useful Cheat Sheets For Designers and Developers.
Friday, March 22, 2013
MSSQL: Update running sequence / number
Let's say we have a table with a column of numbers and for some reason, they are not in running sequence. Instead of editing the rows manually, we can actually do it using a SQL script.
Hopefully the following helps.
Hopefully the following helps.
--Create some test data IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'tblTest') AND type in (N'U')) DROP TABLE tblTest GO CREATE TABLE tblTest (Label VARCHAR(20), OriginalOrderNo INT, OrderNo INT) INSERT INTO tblTest (Label, OriginalOrderNo, OrderNo) VALUES ('four', 4, 4) INSERT INTO tblTest (Label, OriginalOrderNo, OrderNo) VALUES ('seven', 7, 7) INSERT INTO tblTest (Label, OriginalOrderNo, OrderNo) VALUES ('one', 1, 1) INSERT INTO tblTest (Label, OriginalOrderNo, OrderNo) VALUES ('two', 2, 2) INSERT INTO tblTest (Label, OriginalOrderNo, OrderNo) VALUES ('five', 5, 5) INSERT INTO tblTest (Label, OriginalOrderNo, OrderNo) VALUES ('nine', 9, 9) GO --BEFORE SELECT * FROM tblTest ORDER BY OrderNo GO --DO the UPDATE UPDATE t1 SET t1.OrderNo = t2.Sequence FROM tblTest t1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT Label, OrderNo, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY OrderNo) AS 'Sequence' FROM tblTest) AS t2 ON t1.OrderNo = t2.OrderNo GO --AFTER SELECT * FROM tblTest ORDER BY OrderNo GO IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'tblTest') AND type in (N'U')) DROP TABLE tblTest GO
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