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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Disable PC Beep Sound

Annoyed by beep sound from your PC? Thinking of turning it off? You can do it in just 1 or 2 steps.

For all the below steps, you are required to issue the mentioned commands using the Command Prompt.

How to start Command Prompt from Windows?
  1. From Start Menu, click Run
  2. From the Open textbox, type cmd
  3. Click OK button
To disable PC speaker beep temporarily,
  1. Type net stop beep
  2. Hit ENTER
To stop BEEP service from starting when you next reboot your PC,
  1. Type sc config beep start= disabled
  2. Hit ENTER
Note that by disabling auto start of BEEP service, it may still be enabled if you have not stop it using the above first tip.

To ensure beep is stopped and will not be run again next time, perform above 2 tips at the together.


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