Few days ago, my Windows Live account is suspected of being hijacked. I emailed to Microsoft on the same day to report the problem. My experience with them a year ago was good. Back then, I reported a problem relating to my ISP Singnet and Microsoft went all the way coordinating with Singnet and then gave me a quick and accurate solution.
This time round, I am very disappointed with them. All in all, Microsoft and I have exchanged a total of 7 emails but then none answer my question.
My email is long but my primary questions are simple and short:
1. Can you confirm if I was online from 16-17th Jan 2008 9am to 6pm? Many have witnessed seeing me online.
2. If records did not show me online, then is this a Windows Live bug?
I shall quote one of their replies below. Obviously, they are not reading my emails carefully and they fail to understand my primary concern. I did not send an email to them on how to protect my system. All their replies were simply cut-and-paste from one of their many templates. Frustrated, irritated, annoyed and disappointed.
Hi Loh,
Thank you for contacting Windows Live Messenger Abuse Support. My name is Gene and I'll be glad to assist you with your concern.
Based on the emails you have sent, you do inquire if you were online from 9am - 6pm. I also understand that many of your contacts have seen you online but you did not reply to any of their messages. I know how odd this situation is. Rest assured that I will do my best to help you resolve this issue.
To further assist you in this issue, it is possible that you have a virus in your computer. Based on experience in troubleshooting these kinds of anomaly, a link will be sent to a contact and once you click on that link it will infect your system. Some program writers are now using IM to spread malicious programs such as viruses and worms. These viruses can spread when a person opens an infected file that is sent through IM by someone who appears to be a contact. A computer infected by a virus may continue to spread the infection by sending copies of the virus to everyone on the IM contact list.
If you think that your computer has been attacked, contact Microsoft Product Support Services. You can contact Product Support Services in North America for help with security update issues or viruses at no charge by calling the PC Safety line at 1-866-PCSAFETY. Customers outside North America can locate the number for no-charge virus support by visiting http://www.support.microsoft.com/security.
To help protect your computer from being attacked by a virus, and to make sure that you are not affected through Windows Live Messenger in the future, take the following precautions:
1. Microsoft now provides a tool that can remove the most common viruses. You can access the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool by visiting the following website:
2. If you have to repair your computer after a virus attack, visit the following website:
3. Enable virus scanning in Windows Live Messenger:
a. Start Windows Live Messenger.
b. On the Tools menu, click Options.
c. Click File Transfer, and then select the Scan files for viruses using check box.
d. Click Browse, and then select the executable file associated with your virus scanning program. If you need help in finding this file, see your antivirus vendor's Web site or manual.
Note: If you have Windows One Care, the associated virus scanner will be pre-selected, and this option will not be available.
4. Find useful tips about how to help protect your computer from being infected by malicious software by visiting the following website:
5. Disable the links in Windows Live Messenger:
a. Start Windows Live Messenger.
b. On the Tools menu, click Options.
c. Click the Security tab.
d. Clear the Allow links in conversation window check box.
For security purposes, I suggest that you reset your password and then delete the Contact Cache folder.
1. Try to reset your password by using your secret question and answer. If you do not know your secret question and answer, go to step 2 to reset your password by using your alternate e-mail address.
a. Open a new Microsoft Internet Explorer window, and then visit the following Web site: http://account.live.com
b. Click Forgot your password.
c. Type the e-mail address of the Windows Live ID account for which you want to reset the password.
d. Type the characters that you see in the box in the picture or click the speaker icon and type the numbers that you hear.
e. Click Continue.
f. Click Use my question to verify my identity.
g. Enter the appropriate account information, answer your question, and then click Continue.
h. Type your new password two times, and then click Continue.
2. Try to reset your password by using your alternate e-mail address:
a. Open a new Microsoft Internet Explorer window, and then visit the following Web site: http://account.live.com
b. Click Forgot your password.
c. Type the e-mail address of the Windows Live ID account for which you want to reset the password.
d. Type the characters from the picture into the box or click the speaker icon and then type the numbers that you hear.
e. Click Continue.
f. Click Send password reset instruction to me in e-mail.
g. Click Alternate e-mail.
h. Click Continue, and then click OK.
i. When you receive the e-mail message from Microsoft Customer Support, follow the instructions to reset your password.
To delete the Contact Cache folder, follow these steps:
Windows XP
1. Sign out and exit Windows Live Messenger. Exit Windows Live Messenger by right-clicking the Messenger icon in the notification area at the far right of the Windows task bar where the time and date of your computer are located, and then click Exit.
2. Open a Command Prompt window.
a. Click Start, click Run, type cmd and then press ENTER.
b. Type the following commands. Press ENTER after each command:
del "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows Live Contacts"
del "%USERPROFILE%\Contacts"
I hope these steps resolve the problem. Should there be any questions/clarifications, you may contact us at http://support.live.com. For additional information and self-help instructions, https://account.live.com/HelpCentral.aspx and choose Windows Live Messenger from the drop-down menu.
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